What are the benefits of Agile?

7 July 2021 by
What are the benefits of Agile?
Retentia Technology

The more you learn about Agile and our processes at Junari, the more you might be realising why it’s so popular! Ultimately, the iterative approach of Agile means your product will be of a higher quality, it’ll give you greater control and flexibility throughout the project, and ensure you end the process with a system you love.

So, let’s take a quick look at some of the main benefits below:

Increased flexibility – Agile divides the project into short Sprints that are both manageable and flexible. This allows the team to implement changes at short notice – which is why so many organisations prefer Agile for their project! In the past, the ‘waterfall’ method required a lot of documentation up front from the client before anything got started by the developers. The client would write a requirement document that captured everything the business needed in their system – all requirements would be defined in advance and the final product delivered all at once (usually after a pretty long wait). Agile is the total opposite, allowing you to start seeing results quickly and giving you the chance to be really hands on throughout.

• Reduced risks. Agile virtually eliminates the risks of a project failure – which is obviously great news! At Junari, we develop in Sprints aligned to months, ensuring a short time between initial project investment and each sprint stage, which means we’ll know that a product or an approach will work. Agile gives freedom when new changes need to be implemented and the ability to adapt to the client’s needs and preferences through the development process. This means you won’t be waiting months for to see results and get any unpleasant shocks.

• High customer satisfaction. The client (potentially you!) will be involved throughout the whole process. You won’t be left in the dark for months on end waiting to see results. You’ll be in the loop constantly, seeing updates and changes as they come and therefore able to provide us with your feedback. Plus, the working process is collaborative and enjoyable, most clients end up feeling like the Junari team are an extension of their business by the end of the process! This however tends to lead to pretty high levels of customer satisfaction.

• A high-quality product. With Agile, the client is really involved from start to finish and we welcome your input. This means that if you don’t like something or want to make changes, we can action these. Testing is integrated during the cycle, which means that there are regular check-ups to see that the product is working during the development. Ultimately, this leads to the highest quality product possible.

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