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Odoo Recruitment: The Smart Way to Hire

Streamline, Discover, and Secure Top Talent

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Feeling overwhelmed by the endless stacks of resumes and the challenge of finding the ideal candidate for your team? But what if there was a better way?

Invest in your recruitment process today and unlock the full potential of your workforce with Odoo Recruitment. We'll show you how to:

Reduce your time to hire

Improve the quality of your candidate pool

Enhance your employer brand

Make data-driven hiring decisions

Why Choose Odoo Recruitment?

Track candidates visually

Drag and drop them through stages in a dynamic Kanban board for a clear hiring flow.

   Turn employees into talent scouts

Integrate referrals and track recommendations from your trusted network.

Reduce bias, ensure fairness

Automate interview scoring with pre-defined criteria for objective candidate evaluation.

Close deals with personalised offers

Create professional offer letters with custom details that highlight your company culture.

Manage high-volume recruitment with ease

Bulk import candidates, send interview invites, and handle multiple offers efficiently.

   Uncover hidden gems

Analyse data on hiring sources, time to fill roles, and candidate demographics to optimise your recruitment strategy.

Streamlined Recruitment Process

Odoo Recruitment simplifies the entire recruitment process, allowing you to quickly and easily find the best candidates for your team.

Streamline your recruiting process to quickly locate the best people for your team.

Track all job positions, applicants, and scheduled activities in one centralised dashboard.

Visualise each job position’s pipeline, organise applicants by phase, and move them seamlessly through the recruitment stages.

Reduce manual data entry with automatic importing of applicant information, resumes, cover letters, and other documents.

Create custom recruitment stages with automated actions, such as sending emails and moving candidates through the pipeline automatically. 

Efficient Scheduling and Communication

Improve candidate interactions and scheduling efficiency with Odoo Recruitment’s integrated features.

Candidates can schedule meetings and interviews online, ensuring no double bookings with calendar integration.

Contact candidates directly from the platform and send job offers with a single click.

Schedule calls and interviews with Google and Outlook calendar integration, allowing applicants to schedule interviews themselves.

Create and assign deadlines for recruitment activities to keep the process on track.

Manage application emails, automatic responses, and document organisation right from the app. 

Insightful Reporting and Management

Gain valuable insights into your hiring process with Odoo Recruitment’s powerful reporting and management tools.

Access reporting features to see which recruitment channels are most effective and how the pipeline is progressing.

Easily manage and organise job positions, vacancies, and activities.

Tailor employment types, job positions, and hiring workflows to fit your organisation’s needs.

Follow the application process within the Kanban view for better visibility of each candidate’s stage.

Link job posts to other employment sites and track the performance of each channel with relevant reporting. 

Candidate Filtering and Employee Onboarding

Ensure a seamless integration for new hires with Odoo Recruitment’s advanced filtering and onboarding features.

Use tests and questionnaires to efficiently screen candidates and gain valuable insights.

Generate and send job offers online, allowing candidates to review and sign remotely.

Convert candidates seamlessly into employees and initiate their onboarding process directly from the Odoo Recruitment platform.

Create and implement onboarding plans to get new hires up and running smoothly.

Send surveys to new employees to gather insights on the hiring process and continuously improve it.  

Ready to find top talent and build a high-performing team?


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