Odoo / Apps / Sales

Supercharge Your Sales with Odoo: The All-in-One CRM for Streamlined Efficiency

Boost sales pipeline visibility, automate repetitive tasks, and improve sales forecasting accuracy with Odoo Sales. 

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Why does your business need Odoo for sales management  ?

Sales teams face several challenges that Odoo Sales can address. Here are some pain points that lead businesses to consider Odoo Sales

Inefficient Data Management

  • Scattered Information across emails, spreadsheets, and sticky notes. 
  • Data Inaccuracy due to manual entry errors. 
  • Limited Visibility for sales managers into individual and team performance.

Wasted Time and Effort

  • Repetitive Tasks like data entry, quote creation, and follow-up emails.
  • Limited Automation slowing down the sales cycle.
  • Disorganized Communication leading to missed opportunities and frustrated clients.

Poor Sales Pipeline Management

  • Unclear Stages making it difficult to track lead progress.
  • Lost Opportunities due to lack of nurturing and follow-up at each stage.
  • Ineffective Targeting hindering focus on high-potential leads.

Inaccurate Sales Forecasting  

  • Difficulty Predicting Future Sales leading to missed targets.
  • Unreliable Data impacting strategic decision-making.
  • Inability to Adjust Strategies based on real-time data.

Limited Sales Performance Measurement  

  • Lack of Visibility into Individual Performance metrics.
  • Difficulty Identifying Areas for Improvement within the sales team.
  • Inability to Track Key Sales Metrics hindering performance analysis.

Lack of Collaboration  

  • Information Silos prevent knowledge sharing and best practices.
  • Limited Collaboration Tools hindering teamwork on deals and tasks.
  • Fragmented Communication slows down internal communication and deal progression.

Key Features

Efficient Sales Process

Modern User Interface: Navigate seamlessly with an intuitive interface designed for sales efficiency.

Mobile Capabilities: Access and manage sales activities on the go with Odoo's mobile interface.

Reduced Data Entry: Streamline workflows by converting quotes to orders and invoices effortlessly from a single screen.

Sales Warnings: Receive alerts before sending quotes to specific customers or products to ensure accuracy.

Professional Quotations: Create polished quotes instantly using templates and predefined products, enhancing customer engagement.

Order and Contract Management

Sales Orders: Convert quotes into sales orders with a single click, supporting modifications and partial shipments.

Manage Invoicing: Invoice based on ordered quantities or deliveries, and manage payment terms efficiently.

Order-Specific Routes: Apply specialised shipping routes like drop shipping directly from order lines.

Contracts Management: Track contract phases, including invoicing, renewals, and upselling opportunities seamlessly.

Enhanced Product and Price Control

Product Variants: Customise products with multiple attributes and variants such as size, colour, and finish.

Discounts and Promotions: Apply flexible discounts and create custom promotions to drive sales.

Loyalty Programs and Gift Cards: Design loyalty programs and offer gift cards for enhanced customer engagement and retention.

Product Configurator: Enable customers to configure product variants directly in quotations or carts.

Pricelists: Compute accurate pricing based on customer and order conditions, optimising sales strategies.

Intelligent Reporting and Analytics  

Trackable KPIs: Monitor key performance indicators like total invoiced amount, sales per region, and customer churn.  

Next Activities: Plan and schedule follow-up activities efficiently with comprehensive visibility into the sales pipeline.  

Order and Invoicing Analysis: Gain insights into sales trends and customer behaviour based on order and invoice data.

Intuitive Reporting: Access customizable dashboards and reports to facilitate informed decision-making.  

Email Integration: Automatically link email communications to customer orders, enhancing transparency and collaboration.

Industries Served






   B2B Companies

Professional Services

Data-Driven Businesses

Marketing & Sales Teams

Never Miss a Lead Again: Stop Letting Prospects Become Past Tense with Odoo Sales!


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